I would take the red pill for many reasons. The red pill advertises complete realization, juxtaposed with the blue pill's complete ignorance. I like to think that I am a critically thinking person, and given the choice, the red pill would allow for a greater challenge.

    First, the red pill literally hacks the system. Neo can bend the rules, and make the situation in the Matrix what he wanted of it. He can dodge bullets, fly, and almost evade death. You are able to make the situation what you want of it, and are confronted with choices that will actually make a difference.

    Second, taking the blue pill means that you are being complacent to a dystopian society. Sure, you can live your life that is comfortable, but you are ignoring the problem looming above. It is a selfish act to live in your own comfort knowing that you and the entire human race are being taken advantage of. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is slavery.

    Lastly, taking the red pill is the whole point of the series! If Neo took the blue pill, or chose to not do anything with his newfound knowledge, then he would just go back to his regular life. Knowledge is power, where Neo and his team have a chance to save humanity and be a part of something bigger than their own lives. Sure, taking the red pill is not for everyone, and we see this in the character who traded information in exchange for restoring ignorance. But, taking the red pill is necessary for greater society. 

    The red pill is absolutely necessary in order to make any type of change. The blue pill is for people who don't think that they can make a contribution, or feel that they are not enough. Maybe taking the blue pill is necessary as well, but in my opinion, only to stay out of the way while the liberated fight for their freedom. If given a choice, would you want to be a player or a spectator?


Cartesian Method

1) Intro

2) Thesis - Red pill

3) Antithesis- Blue pill

4) Synthesis- Both +/-

5) Conclusion


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